Southern California Vizsla Rescue

Top 10 Reasons Not To Get A Vizsla

1. You are looking for an "outside only" dog.
Part of what makes a Vizsla a Vizsla is their affectionate, people loving nature. This trait makes them VERY unhappy when they don’t have a high amount of interaction with you. A Vizsla confined to the backyard can become destructive and LOUD! Imagine if you left your children alone most of the time until they reached adolescence. The wild child you are picturing is similar to what will happen to a Vizsla left alone that much. If you aren’t planning on your dog becoming one of the family – a Vizsla is not the breed for you!

2. You have no sense of humor.
Vizslas are born with a sense of mischief. If you really see nothing funny about waking up to a cold, slobbery tennis ball in your face or a puppy that decides that 2:00 a.m. is a great time to play fetch – perhaps another breed or an older dog might be best.  

3. You are a clean freak.
Muddy paws, nose prints on every window in your house and car? Enough said… If you can’t relax and enjoy it, you and your dog will both be miserable.  

4. You are a couch potato and hope your dog will be too, or you are hoping your new dog will motivate you to become more active.
Vizslas are sporting dogs, bred to retrieve game all day. They need regular exercise, especially as puppies, or they can become destructive and unhappy. If your longest walk in the past month was from the couch to your bed – perhaps a more sedentary pet would better suit your needs?  

5. You are approaching getting a dog as a temporary condition. Not only are Vizslas addictive – but also they will also hopefully live a long time. Dog ownership is a commitment for the life of a dog. If you figure your dog will head for the pound once the kids are in school – please reconsider getting a pet! Vizsla rescue is full of dogs that have lost their homes as a result of changes in life circumstances. Some are not preventable and the dedicated volunteers who care for these dogs are ready and willing to help – but the changes that ARE predictable should be taken into consideration BEFORE making a commitment to a dog!  

6. You don't like meeting new people. Your new family member will need obedience classes to help him become a well-behaved canine citizen. This is a dangerously easy place to make friends. It is also impossible to walk down the street with a beautiful Vizsla and NOT be stopped by strangers. Vizslas are people magnets. Got a problem with this? Maybe a something in the guard dog family would serve you better? 

7. Y ou want to make a quick buck breeding dogs. We spay and neuter all of our rescue dogs.  If you think you will just buy one and breed it, please don’t. Breeding means you need to know the breed and the lines of the dogs you want to breed.  This takes years, not days, weeks or even months.  

8. You are looking for a guard dog.
Did I mention the part about Vizslas loving everyone? They will be eager to assist the thieves that are breaking into your home; probably even helping them carry out the silver. If you are looking for protection this probably isn’t an endearing quality… maybe that guard dog is looking better.  

9. You look at that little 10-pound ball of fur and offer up a silent prayer that he'll stay that size.
Vizslas should range from 21 inches at the shoulder to around 24 and weigh in anywhere from 40 to 60 lbs. This is a lot of dog. If you don’t plan on heeding my advice about obedience classes, you may find yourself with an out of control, furry, wiggly, monster and they aren’t so cute when they are 60lb monsters! As an alternative, there are several wonderful smaller breeds to choose from.

10. You think dogs make great nannies for small children and a wonderful lesson in responsibility for older kids.
You are partly right. A Vizsla and a child often form a loving, inseparable bond. However, the ultimate responsibility for any living, breathing creature must always fall to an adult. Children can be wonderful dog groomers, trainers and best friends, but they need adult guidance. You should also remember that Vizslas are big enough - even as puppies - to knock down a small child. Small children and dogs should ALWAYS be supervised when together, for both their sakes! Small children can hurt the puppy and make him fearful of all children.  

11. You think an ideal place to get one is the pet store in your mall!
   Reputable breeders do not sell to pet stores, only puppy mills sell to pet stores – no matter what that pet store tells you.  Ask the breeder’s name, then contact the local VCA (Vizsla Club of America) and ask if that breeder is an active member.  I can guarantee they are not!  The VCA does not allow breeders to sell to pet stores.  Vizslas can have some potential health problems. Chief among these are Canine Hip Dysplasia - a sometimes crippling joint disease; inherited eye diseases that can blind or disable a dog; epilepsy, early onset cancer and temperament problems ranging from hyperactivity to aggression. It is essential that you seek out a responsible breeder if you are looking for a puppy or an established rescue group if an adult dog would fit your needs better. For information on how to find a responsible breeder visit the Vizsla Club of America’s home page: For help finding a rescue Vizsla, visit the list of Vizsla Rescues across the country:

If you’ve run out of excuses NOT to get a Vizsla – Congratulations! – you are ready to be owned by a Vizsla!

… and yes, for the obsessive-compulsive types there ARE 11 reasons – not ten – but “the top 11 reasons” just sounded silly :)

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